Good Luck to the Lady Cougars as they open their season tonight at Cowden-Herrick. Game time 6pm with 2 JV quarter and Varsity to follow. Bus time 4:40.
Scholar Bowl tonight at North Clay. Meet at 5:30 leaving at 4:45.
Seniors: Please sign-up for your early fall appointment times. This will give you one on one to finish up anything related to college applications and FAFSA. You have been sent the excel spreadsheet in your emails.
Attention all students: It is that time of year again. FCCLA has lollipops on sale for $1.00. This year we have a new shape and tons of new flavors. Come and support FCCLA by buying a lollipop. They can be purchased before or after school, and in between classes. There is a list of flavors on my bulletin board outside Rm 8a so you can choose your flavor before you enter. Thanks. Miss K and the FCCLA crew.
South Central is hosting the annual Alzheimer's Awareness purple basketball game on Tuesday, December 6. We are joining together with Vandalia High School to raise funds for this very worthy cause. We need to paint the gym purple! T-shirt order forms are available now in the office, on Facebook and in Mrs. Riehm's room. All orders are due November 17th!! There will be most posted about the game later but get your shirts ordered now! Help support finding a cure for Alzheimer's!
If anyone would like to donate something for the silent auction for the Alzheimer's purple game on December 6, please let Mrs. Riehm know. It can be an individual item, a basket, something donated from a business, individual, or club. Everything that is donated will be auctioned off to help raise money for Alzheimer’s Awareness. Please donate!
Don’t forget to sign up for the 8 day Peru trip meeting with Mrs. Hails. It’s this Wednesday. 45 minutes long. Also this is a more affordable trip than the previous 10 day Peru trip. RSVP Link below.
Upcoming Events:
November 15th Tuesday- Lady Cougar Basketball at Home 6:15
November 18th Friday- Lady Cougar Basketball at North Clay 6:15
November 18th Friday- No School