Boys Basketball will be meeting today during homeroom in room 107.
Mrs. Hails is having an Education First meeting Oct. 13th 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the middle school for any student, teacher or adult in the community that would like to experience an exciting 10-day service and learning trip to Peru where you will also get to visit Machu Picchu. Please RSVP by scanning the QR code on an EF Invitation Flyer, which will be available in the office.
Juniors: Sign up to work concessions outside Mrs. Riehm's room. The dates are October 20 and December 9. We need at least 5 workers for each game.
JUNIORS-We will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT on October 25th. This test is optional. If you are interested, please see me or sign up outside my office.
There's an FBLA Meeting today during homeroom in Mrs. Riehm's room. Make sure you're checking Google Classroom for updates and information.
Upcoming Events:
October 13-15th Lady Cougar Volleyball NTC Tournament
October 14th Friday Fast Friday